keep it simple stupid. its what they say but when has the fark man ever headed anyones warning...what you are about to see is a bug. which allows pet classes who can also cast eye of zomm, make as many pets as they would like to have.. and by the time i got all my pets i was tired of casting, so i went to see what i could do with em..


excuse the clarity i havent a fast modem and had to find a way to still post this humor...

well this pic and the next few pics are of me finding out exactly what power this bug gave to me. i started to assemble my army.

i think i had 16 or 17 pets when i decided to quit ..

these next few pics are of me rounding em all up.. not an easy task if you ask me

a hotkey was in order..   /say %T follow me...    there is an easier way i presume but hey its a bug lets not push the limits..

here i am dragging my creation through grimling forest. tis a nasty place.. with camps of grimling in the upper and mid 30s. these camps consist of an amazing amount of grimlings. about 20 per camp all agro when one is pulled..

but i was thinking what the hell. i got about 20 pets. lets see how uber i am.. right

here goes... being next to impossible to get them to attack all at once.. i decide to suicide... i mean i dont REALLY want to exploit right? so i run in to agro a few of em and see what happens.

this is when it really gets bad.. the battle spam was soo fast even the screenshots couldnt decipher it.. i guess it worked all the pets still like me.. even when i get agroed on me good ol jobober, and kobober and kenartik and jebantik and even all their friends step and and take my hits!!  :)

well needless to say i did die. i guess the intitial agro had too many of em hopping for me and pets can only do so much.  well anyway it was exciting for a split second.. i mean just look at all the battle spam!!!!